B Fresh Handbags

We take pride in offering high-quality handbags, but as most of them are imported, we occasionally encounter some scratches on a few of them.

However, we don’t let these imperfections go to waste! We’ve created a special category just for these unique handbags, which we lovingly call our “B Fresh” collection.

defective handbags in pakistan

So, if you’re looking for a handbag with a bit of character and charm, take a look at our defective handbags and purses.

Who knows, you may just find your new favorite accessory at cheap price!


Q. What are B Fresh handbags?

A. B Fresh handbags are a special collection of handbags and purses that have minor imperfections/damage, such as scratches, but are otherwise brand new and unused. These handbags are sold at a discounted price and are perfect for those who don’t mind a few blemishes or are looking for a unique accessory.

Q. Are defective handbags authentic?

A. Yes, all defective handbags are 100% authentic and come from the same manufacturers as our other handbags.

Q. Can I return or exchange a B Fresh handbag?

A. Due to their discounted price and minor imperfections, B Fresh handbags are sold as final sale and cannot be returned or exchanged. Please make sure to carefully review the product description and photos before purchasing.

Q. How do I know if a handbag is a B Fresh handbag?

A. B Fresh handbags are clearly labeled as such in their product name and description that they are a part of the B Fresh collection.

Q. Will the scratches on a B Fresh handbag worsen over time?

A. No, the scratches on a B Fresh handbag are purely cosmetic and will not affect the quality or durability of the product. In fact, with proper care, a B Fresh handbag can last just as long as any other handbag.